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The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte

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PrayerFails's Reward Points: 11139

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Who would win in a fight: Darth Maul vs. Wolverine
1 Added Argument I wanted to let you all know :)
1 Added Argument Is it moral to tell handicap people that they cannot adapt and overcome their handicap?
1 Added Argument What's wrong with my milk?
1 Added Argument If someone bans me from their debate, then I won the debate.
1 Added Argument The movie "42" is a tale of how the Free Market defeated Racism despite Statism
1 Added Argument Snappys 2013 - Category #38 BIGGEST SMACK DOWN
0 Added Argument BigOats needs to come out of the closet and admit that he has a crush on Hellno. ;)
1 Added Argument Is it weird to not listen to the music of today?
1 Added Argument Who are the worst users on this site?
1 Added Argument Createdebate Troll Wars 2013 Are you in?
1 Added Argument Who is excited for Batman Arkham: Origins?
2 Added Argument Is this the predatory nature of government using sting operations for selling lobsters?
5 Added Argument Is the IRS Commissioner rejecting Obamacare a premonition for derailment?
5 Created Debate Is the IRS Commissioner rejecting Obamacare a premonition for derailment?
4 Added Argument Is this the predatory nature of government using sting operations for selling lobsters?
5 Created Debate Is this the predatory nature of government using sting operations for selling lobsters?
1 Added Argument Wishing You Were Aborted as a Child Is That the Same Thing as Suicide?
0 Added Argument I Might Leave Createdebate....
5 Added Argument Is term of enlistment involuntary enslavement?
5 Created Debate Is term of enlistment involuntary enslavement?
2 Added Argument Who Can Post the Most Debates Per Day?
1 Added Argument What's the Craziest Sh*t You've Found Yourself Doing?
1 Added Argument Does the United Nations get too involved in the affairs of other nations sometimes?

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