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The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte

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themadgadfly's Reward Points: 889

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Should guns be banned in America?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should guns be banned in America?
1 Added Argument Wikipedia Is Absolutely Correct. The Alt Reich Is An Extremist Terrorist Group
2 Added Argument Wikipedia Explains What The American Alt Right Is
2 Added Argument If you BELIEVE that a Jewish owned company will LIE and CHEAT simply because they're Jews,
1 Added Argument Money is a bad thing
1 Added Argument Why should I be punished for being rich with higher taxes?
1 Added Argument Let's see, Dems hate Trump for his Conservatism but No Restriction abortions are ok?
10 Added Argument Guns should come with a license agreement that it will not be used to commit murder.
10 Added Argument Guns should come with a license agreement that it will not be used to commit murder.
3 Added Argument Should a Jewish Warrior STICK it in the eye of the anti-Semites and science deniers?
2 Added Argument Should a Jewish Warrior STICK it in the eye of the anti-Semites and science deniers?
1 Added Argument Imagine a world that lived by the Golden rule, treating other's as you want to be treated.
1 Added Argument On the topic of Alternate Facts
2 Added Argument Free speech
10 Added Argument Atheists and agnostics.. do you believe The Truth exists?
9 Added Argument Atheists and agnostics.. do you believe The Truth exists?
4 Added Argument Free speech
1 Added Argument If Jew is a race, then why can I convert to being a Jew?
1 Added Argument Which of the following is a race, and which is a religion?
3 Added Argument Christians who are mean to those they disagree with are fake
2 Added Argument Do you know the difference between a debate and a grievance???
2 Added Argument NARAL introduces its very own "Custom Abortion-Themed Ice Cream Flavor"
-1 Downvoted Argument Atheists, how would you answer....

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